Parent Teacher Meet
Parent-Teacher Meetings usually happen regularly, 6 times a year. 4 meetings are held class-wise usually after each examination. These meetings are a three-way conference where teachers and parents interact and discuss in the presence of the students to understand their growth and progress along with academic and behavioral curve. SFS teachers find solutions to student’s academic or behavioral problems. The discussion helps the teachers and parents to cooperate in finding a support system for the student to improve their academics and character. Two meetings are common meetings with the principal along with teachers and parents of the respective classes. These meetings are usually held one at the beginning of the year and the other at the end of the year. Often a resource person either internally or externally becomes a part of this meeting. It showcases SFS's commitment to collaboration and teamwork. SFS believes firmly that the best in our students will be drawn out when School, parents, and teachers work together hand in hand.